Stories, Shadows and Songs

Join us Thanksgiving Weekend for The Yankee Peddler: Songs and Stories from Old New England, part of our 40th Anniversary Season American Journeys Series!

This is one of our all-time favorite shows featuring Resident Artist, Brad Shur, and multi-talented musician Chris Monti. They make a great pair, and you will definitely enjoy their beautiful music and hilarious shadow puppets!

The Yankee Peddler opened last week to great audiences, and continues this week with 6 more shows until Sunday, November 30th! With its familiar folk tales, merry music and skillful shadow puppetry,  it is the perfect idea for family entertainment during the Thanksgiving holiday. See show dates below:

Friday Nov 28 @ 10:30am & 1pm The kids are off from school! Take them.
Saturday Nov 29 @ 1pm & 3pm Relatives still in town? Make a day of it.
Sunday Nov 30 @ 1pm & 3pm Closing day--a great finale to the holiday weekend!

We've been selling out a lot of our shows lately so make sure to reserve your tickets early. Tickets are super affordable, only $12 for General Admission and $8 for Members!

Check out some info on Brad and Chris below:

VIEW Brad Shur Arist Bio 

VIEW Chris Monti's website 

Here's a great article from TheArtery featuring The Yankee Peddler that talks about how Puppets are not just for kids, and we agree with them! VIEW ARTICLE  

You can reserve tickets for The Yankee Peddler and our other amazing Mainstage shows online or you can reach us at the Box Office at 617-731-6400 ext. 101.


Speaking of Puppets not just being for kids, thank you to everyone who came to see "Of Bread and Paper" as part of our Puppets at Night series! Be sure to mark your calendars for our next Puppet Showplace SLAM coming up on Saturday, January 17th @ 8pm. Our last SLAM sold out so make sure you get your tickets early for that as well! Now, aren't we busy filling up your social calendar?

And speaking of Social...Puppet Showplace is now on Instagram! Follow us on @PuppetShowplace to see exclusive photos, videos, and sneak peeks of some of the magic happening around here. We're also on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Flickr if you haven't gotten around to those yet either :)

As always, thank you for being a part of our Puppet Showplace Community, we hope to see you again soon!

-Katie B, Puppet Showplace Marketing Intern