Age Recommendations — Puppet Showplace Theater

Age Recommendations

Puppet shows are great fun for audiences of all ages, but some shows are specifically targeted to older or younger age groups. To guide your decision-making, we provide minimum age recommendations for all of our mainstage performances. We also welcome your questions about the specific content of each show. 

Children will also respond differently depending on their age and development. Please keep the following in mind as you select what show will be right for you: 


0-3 years: Most mainstage performances are NOT RECOMMENDED for children under 3 years old. Inquire with the Box Office about upcoming runs of “Puppet Playtime,” our series for toddlers and tiny tots.

3-4 years: Children are delighted by the sensory experience of live theater and respond to the rich visual and sonic worlds created by puppeteers. We recommend episodic shows with several short segments, familiar stories or nursery rhymes, and gentle settings and plot lines.

5-6 years: Children begin to engage with drama, story, and character. They can follow verbal storytelling and respond to interesting language and dialogue. We recommend all of our shows for this age group, and encourage families to engage in post-show discussion and performance-based play.

7 and up: Children engage with puppetry as an art form and appreciate the design and storytelling techniques used by master puppeteers. They can ask questions about a puppeteer’s artistic choices and respond with their own ideas. We recommend full-length shows with complex plots and high production values. Puppeteers also welcome questions from “older kids” who might be interested learning more about specific puppetry techniques!  

If your child has any phobias or special sensitivities, please let us know so we can recommend an appropriate show.