Summer Puppet Adventures — Puppet Showplace Theater

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Summer Puppet Adventures

While school and the sun are out, Puppet Showplace Theater invites audiences to have fun, explore new worlds, and stretch and grow their imaginations with our "Summer Puppet Adventures" series. Eight shows travel deep under the sea, soar through the sky, and swing through the jungle, all the while learning and laughing!

"Summer Puppet Adventures" runs from Wednesday, July 5 - Saturday, August 26. Tickets are $12/guest for general audience, $8/guest for members.Learn more about the series here, and register for adult or youth classes and camps today!

Summer Puppet Adventures

Search for buried treasure, sail the open seas, and meet fantastical creatures great and small with our annual summer adventure series!


  • "The Pirate, the Princess, and the Pea" by Crabgrass Puppet Theatre (Wed 7/5 - Sat 7/8)
  • Saturday, July 8: Summer Open House: FREE popsicles and puppet-making activities
  • "Word Play" by Good Hearted Entertainment (Wed 7/12 - Sat 7/15)
  • "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" by CactusHead Puppets (Wed 7/19 - Sat 7/22)
  • "The Great Red Ball Rescue" by Faye Dupras (Wed 7/26 - Sat 7/29)


  • "Old Mother Hubbard & Her Dog" by Mesner Puppet Theater (Wed 8/2 - Sat 8/5)
  • "Aesop's Fables" by Red Herring Puppets (Wed 8/9 - Sat 8/12)
  • "Tall Tales!: Stories & Songs from Old New England" by Resident Artist Brad Shur & Musician Chris Monti (Wed 8/16 - Sat 8/19)
  • "The Fairy Circus" by Tanglewood Marionettes (Sat 8/26 -- one day only!)


Puppets prevail all summer long! Consider booking a birthday party, summer-camp field trip, or other special occasion with us in the coming months.  Plus, any and all donations to the Showplace help provide tickets to kids in need. Raise the anchor, hoist the mainsail, and let your fun flag fly!
