"Under Night Sky": Stories of the Underground Rail Road


"Under Night Sky" by Puppetkabob
Thurs & Fri | Feb 14 & 15 | 10:30 AM
Sat & Sun | Feb 16, 17 | 1 PM & 3 PM
Mon | Feb 18 | 10:30 AM & 1 PM


If Nemo ironically made you miss Sarah Frachette award-winning show “The Snowflake Man” here’s another chance to see her exciting work on the PST stage! Puppetkabob will be back this week performing “Under Night Sky” Thursday through Monday.  We are ready to kick of school vacation week with Stars, Stories, and Shadows! Join us for an exciting adventure through the Underground Railroad.

Travel through time as the performers quilt  together memories formed over generations. Follow three children on journeys united by threads of courage, love and hope. Unravel the stories of the Underground Railroad stitched together in Grandmother's patchwork quilt. Hear the waves crash aside the ship as you listen to the magical tale of an Irish Memory Quilt. Quietly enter an Old School House to see a girl proudly wearing her coat of rags, stitched to patchwork perfection.



William Ingersoll Bowditch House,
Brookline, MA
Did you know we have ties to the Underground Railroad right here in our very own backyard? Well we do! The William Ingersoll Bowditch House was an important stop along the route. Along with being active in local politics, William Bowditch was an avid abolitionist who used his house to shelter slaves searching for freedom. Perhaps he’s most famously known for making the brave journey of driving a man from Boston to Concord, assisting his quest for freedom. 


Using table top and shadow puppetry, "Under Night Sky" is a show that blends hand-held lights, illustrated paper puppets, composed music, and character storytelling to create a style of cinematic puppetry that flows like film. Shadow puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment in which the puppeteer uses flat articulated figures in order to give the appearance of three-dimensional moving objects. And if you thought table top puppetry is performed on top of a table, you are absolutely right! Commonly using rod puppets, artists make their characters dance across the table top before your eyes!

Photo by Jessie Forand from the Saint Albans Messenger
Quote from the artist: "The show was created for my late Grandmother Fayan, who use to squeeze the two of us together in her chair and tell me stories over and over again, even past the point when I was too big to really fit next to her, she still found room!"- Sarah Frechette 


This week's performance of "Under Night Sky" features TWO puppeteers: Puppet Kabob's founder Sarah Frechette, and special guest, Carole D'Agostino.

Sarah Frechette and Carole D'Agostino performing "Under Night Sky".
Photo by Jessie Forand from the Saint Albans Messenger
Sarah Frechette, the founder of Puppetkabob revolutionizes the ancient art of shadow puppetry, the oldest form in the world! Sarah studied in Germany with Legendary Master Puppeteer Albrecht Roser absorbing his theories on Zen and the art of puppetry. With her BFA from UConn’s Puppet Arts Program, Sarah also plays “Penny Pup” on the children’s television series “Seemore’s Playhouse,” seen on PBS.

Carole D’Agostino is an award winning puppeteer, including the Connecticut Guild of Puppetry Audience Favorite Award. Versed in various styles her skills of shadow and table top puppetry are sure to be on display. Perhaps you’ve caught her work before on Nickelodeon and Comedy Central. What inspired her...