This Week in Puppet Playtime!

Puppet Playtime: Opening circle with Phil Berman and Brenda Huggins

Wednesdays at 10:30am through March

Bella Monster and the very hungry Caterpillar!

We are two weeks into our brand new interactive program for young children (ages 0-3) and it has been a blast!  So far we have adventured with our fabulous furry friend Bella Monster to outer space, marched with ants in the garden (hurrah, hurrah!), dined with a very hungry caterpillar, and sang our favorite songs and new original tunes composed by our very own Puppet Playtime performer, Phil Berman.  

One of the participants with a 2 year old child said:

 "My daughter was singing the songs from Puppet Playtime all day long, the experience has definitely stuck with her.  We will be back next week!"

Guest Blogger: Phil Berman


Wake up and smell the corn husks, this Wednesday morning Puppet Playtime is off to the farm! 

Brenda, Bella Monster and I have been blessed with Puppet Showplace's rich and eclectic stock of puppets from past productions that are (literally) hanging around every corner of the theater. When developing new shows every week we try to take our cue from the wealth of materials already available to us. Bella Monster discovered a box of chicken puppets created by my dear friend from Free Hands, Allie Herryman, and we knew they were too good not to use in a show.

It turns out there's a lot of great children's music featuring these fearless flightless fowl. There's something hilariously satisfying about these birds to folks of all ages: is it the noise? the movement? the prideful attitude? We humans may never truly understand why we love chickens so much. What I can tell you is that we have a fun-filled interactive show ready for our littlest chicks: 

We'll crow and squawk and bark and whinny with the rest of the animals in the farm; plant wheat with a well-known avian baker; shake eggs while we cluck with the hens; and recount the stresses and joys of poultry puppet parenthood.

Don't stay cooped up all winter - we'll see you at the theater on Wednesday morning -- don't forget your overalls!

See you at the Theatre!