Puppet Showplace Theater

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Join the Puppet Showplace Family!

Members make great puppetry possible at Puppet Showplace! Join our family this Spring during our April Membership Drive and receive awesome savings on tickets during April Vacation Week (Members pay only $10 instead of $15 on premium-priced tickets), get access to exclusive members-only events like the upcoming Pirate Party with Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers on April 24, and much more!

Members Only Event with Brad Shur, Resident Artist - 2015

Why Become a Member?

In addition to supporting our mission to bring high-quality puppetry performances to the Greater Boston area and serve diverse audiences, members receive discounts on tickets and store purchases, fee-free phone orders, and more. Already a member? Purchase a gift membership or upgrade to a higher member level today and help our family grow. Memberships are great for Grandparents too!

Which Membership is right for me?

BASIC MEMBERSHIP- Do you have one child that you bring to the theater? This membership is perfect for you. You receive one complimentary ticket for a Mainstage performance ($12 value), and TWO discounted tickets per performance. This means you pay only $8 instead of $12, or $10 instead of $15 during premium show times during the holidays or vacation week.

FAMILY MEMBERSHIP- This package is for families who attend with 3 or more people at a time. You receive two complimentary tickets for a Mainstage performance ($24 value), and FOUR discounted tickets per performance. This means you pay only $8 instead of $12, or $10 instead of $15 during holiday show times. Planning a birthday party? BOTH basic and family members save on birthday party bookings.

PUPPETS AT NIGHT MEMBERSHIP- Do you attend our evening performances for adults like Puppet Slams? This membership is for you! Not only do you get two complimentary tickets to any Puppets at Night performance ($30 value), but you get TWO discounted tickets per performance to all Puppets at Night Performances. This means you pay only $10 per ticket instead of $15. You also get a 15% discount on adult classes and invitations to special Incubator events to meet artists developing new work.

ENTHUSIAST- What if you like to attend both Mainstage AND Puppets at Night performances? The enthusiast membership is for you! In additional to ALL of the benefits received by members at the Family and Puppets at Night levels, you also get TWO tickets to our upcoming Gala event, Encounter the Extraordinary on June 7. Introduce your friends to Puppet Showplace by sharing your complimentary tickets, take an adult class, and then help us celebrate with our donors and community supporters during our annual Spring fundraising event.

Even more benefits!

Don't forget, all members at the Basic, Family or Enthusiast level also receive discounts to Puppet Playtime, our interactive show for toddlers and tiny tots on Wednesday and Saturday mornings! 


Members Only: Pirate Party with Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers

Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 4:00PM
All members are invited to meet the artists after the 3pm performance of Everybody Loves Pirates on April 24th and enjoy free food, prizes and pirate-themed fun. FREE Admission! Fun for all ages!

See you at the theater puppet fans! Become a member, or renew your membership today.