Meet the Puppeteers: The Three Billy Goats Gruff & A Tale of the Monkey King
John McDonough, founder of Pumpernickel Puppets
John was four years old when he saw his first puppet show, and he immediately knew that he wanted to be a puppeteer. By his teens, John was presenting shows all over the New England area. For each production, John creates and performs all of his own puppets, which range from small hand puppets to larger-than-life figures. In addition to his appearances at Puppet Showplace Theater, John has performed at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., the prestigious International Festival of Puppet Theatre sponsored by the Jim Henson Foundation at the Joseph Papp Public Theatre in New York, and more!
To see John’s colorful creations in action, reserve your tickets to The Three Billy Goats Gruff & The Lion and the Mouse, March 26 & 27.
Margaret Moody Puppets
Margaret Moody studied Bu Dai Xi (‘cloth bag theater’) style puppetry with the I Wan Jan Traditional Hand Puppet Troupe in Taiwan in the 1980s. She loves the acrobatics of Taiwanese puppetry – puppets flipping on stage, jumping through windows– as well as the subtle movements of sitting or walking. You may also have seen her working with all sorts of puppets as a member of Jacek Zuzanski’s Dream Tale Puppets.
To see Margaret’s Bu Dai Xi skills in action, reserve your tickets to A Tale of The Monkey King, April 2 & 3.