PST Thanks Our Members This Thanksgiving!
Turkeys and Tortillas: A Puppet Party for All Ages!
Exclusive Members Event!*
Saturday Nov 17 | 4:00PM
FREE Admission! Fun for all ages!
Join us the Saturday before Thanksgiving for a special, members and donors only event, following the 3:00 performance of Crabgrass Puppet Theatre's show, The Day It Snowed Tortillas ( BUY TICKETS).
This event is our way of saying THANK YOU to our wonderful members and donors who support Puppet Showplace Theatre.
Puppet making activities!
Performance activities!
A special THANKS to Anna's Taqueria for providing yummy food and drinks!
Donors who are not members, please call the box office at 617-731-6400 x101 to register. Or...if you would like to become a member, CLICK HERE.
Remember: y
our membership helps us continue our mission, plus you'll receive great benefits including: (1)
up to 33% off the price of tickets, (2)
discounts on workshops, products, and special events, (3)
exclusive members-only newsletter and events, (4)
VIP treatment and reserved seating