PuppetPalooza!!!! need I say more...ok, maybe I do....Wenham Museum is hosting an exhibit entitled PuppetPalooza from October 7th thru January 16th. The description on the website states:
Explore the wild and wonderful world of puppets—from tiny finger puppets to huge street puppets—in this playful and highly interactive exhibit. Become a puppeteer—make a dragon street puppet slither through the gallery, cast a puppet's shadow across a screen, pull the strings of a marionette, or put on a show with hand puppets." READ MORE
Sounds pretty amazing! To top it all off, the exhibit features puppets created by PST's Artist in Residence Emeritus, Paul Vincent Davis as well as puppets of Mary Churchill, the founder of Puppet Showplace. Want more PUPPETY FUN? This Sunday, October 16th, you can attend a PuppetPalooza Exhibition Party free with admission Now how cool is that!